🖥️Guide for Projects

Savanna provides all the tools a project needs to launch tokens with both liquidity and operational income.

The no-code, out-of-the-box process is simple and effective. By using Savanna, you can:

  • Allocate a percentage of total project token to the lockdrop;

  • Create a single or multi-pool lockdrop (e.g. a single pool with OSMO, or 2 pools with OSMO & USDC, etc.);

  • Allocate a % of tokens as rewards to users who lock their liquidity, with reward multipliers for longer locks;

  • Receive up to 50% of the assets your users deposit as operational funds. If a user deposits $100 USDC, for example, they will receive LP tokens for $50 YOUR TOKEN/$50 USDC, with the remaining $50 going to the project's operational funds.

Lion DAO will receive a small commission from each project's operational funds for facilitating the token launch.

Last updated