Lock Phase
Once the Deposit Phase is closed, the safari enters the Lock Phase. The Lock Phase can also last up to ten days, depending on the needs of each project.
During this phase, users can choose how long they want to lock up their liquidity.
Projects may create a rewards multiplier for users, based on how long a user chooses to lock their LP tokens. For example, let's say that GAZELLE offers users a 1X multiplier for a 1-week token lockup, and a 10X multiplier for a 365-day token lockup. This means that the longer a user locks their LP tokens, the more rewards they will receive over time.
Let's imagine that you've chosen to lock up 10 $USDC in the GAZELLE lockdrop. GAZELLE offers a 1x muliplier for lockups of one week, but you believe in the project and decide to lock up your 10 $USDC for a full year. A year later, after the vesting phase wraps up, you will have received the equivalent of 100 $USDC.
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